Friday, May 24, 2024

A customer the other week at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

A (slightly short) (thinnish but pot-bellied) (neatly dressed in a polo shirt) (washed-out skin-and-hair) (white) guy with (thick-rimmed glasses) who's like in his (mid-50s), who sits down and has like a vintage nudie magazine like you’d get at a garage sale out on the table, and who orders a big bowl of tom kha soup, and when I check to make sure if it’s okay, he says there’s no tomatoes in it, and so I go get the menu and “check to see if there’s a mistake” and show him there’s no tomatoes listed to be in it, and I ask him in so many words how we can correct it, and he's like, no it’s okay, it’s good, my eyesight is just bad.

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