Saturday, February 24, 2024

A revised story of youth unemployment.

So, I had been telling my mother about my one (Chinese-American) coworker's story about how his peer group is unemployed several years out of college, and she asked me to ask him what major etc. everyone was, and where they went to school.

So, I did, and it turns out that he was exaggerating a bit, and it was really just one person he was thinking of, and they went to a top state school, but just did a straight-up American Studies major.

"And that's fine," he was like, "The world needs American Studies majors, but that's the kind of thing that you have to pair with something else."

I agreed, and I also asked about whether they were purposeful with internships, and he said they mostly did stuff with journalism, which is super competitive.

"And it's a declining sector," I was like. "Why would you want to focus on that?".

So, all in all, it seems like his story was mostly about one person who really wasn't working with advice they were probably getting from multiple sources.

He also said that one person he knows just graduated and got a great $80K job; they do engineering.

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