Friday, January 5, 2024

Dry (British) humor.

The local public library in the (college) town where I now live has pretty good children's books that they resell for $2 -- they're all high-quality ones that people donate and they pick through them for the best, to put those ones out to sell to support the library -- and so I often find myself looking through them and getting some very good ones occasionally, to give to the kids of my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair).

And, her kids are like two and five or six, and one of the books had flaps that you opened up to reveal sea animals, and after I gave them those and she gave me a report that the kids read them and liked them, especially since the sea animal book was "genius" and had two flaps on each page, which meant that each kid got their own to open up every time and wouldn't argue, I was like, "That's good, I was worried it was too young for [her five or six-year old daughter's name]."

"Oh yes, [her five or six-year old daughter's name] is reading novellas, now," she was like.

Then, there was a pause, and then the conversation continued.

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