Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Birthday at work.

So, since I usually don’t do anything special at all for my birthday, I ended up working on it at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now.

And, it was very, very slow at work, to where I wanted to go home early.

But, at like eight-thirty or so, suddenly my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker comes out from the back with a chocolate cookies-and-cream cake with candles on it, and walking out beside her is my one (tall) (new) (Thai) coworker, and, in what I later found out was a coincidence, my one (older) (Thai) coworker who’s a whiz at the phones cues up the Katy Perry birthday song!

And, there was enough for everyone, the kitchen, too.

“Do you know why I always have a mask?”, I asked several (Guatemalan) coworkers in (Spanish), or at least attempted to do so. “Because I’m a viejo and I don’t have teeth.”

I also got an ice cream crepe with fruit stuck in it, that the (wife) owner with the tired face brought back from a shop near campus when she was out making a delivery, when she found out it was my birthday.

“See you tomorrow?”, my one (tall) (new) (Thai) coworker said after the night and the shift was over,

“I hope so?”, I said to her, to which she looked confused, at which point I added, “I’m old now, I don’t know if I will be here tomorrow, old people die suddenly all the time,” at which her eyes just got super wide, and to which she laughed and laughed, her hand covering her mouth.

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