Sunday, November 5, 2023

A coworker backstory, of evenings and weekends.

Like last month at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, the (husband) owner scheduled me on a night that I had specifically requested off so I could go to a local (classical music) concert, and so I began asking around among my coworkers to see if anyone could cover for me.

And, my one (very tall) (very skinny) (just graduated from high school) (Mexican-American) coworker said he couldn't, since he was going to a house show.

"Are you in a band or something?", I was like.

And, it turns out that he isn't, but his (quiet) (very pale skinned) (very dark haired) girlfriend who likes my jokes is, and sings punk.

"Does she like scream and hurt her vocal cords or is she all like sweet and menacing?", I was like, and he said a mix.

I also kind of raised the L7 tampon-throwing incident -- "I've heard of that!", he was like -- and I said that that's what I think of, when I think of women in punk bands.

And, he said that the most that's happened is that his girlfriend threw him into the mosh pit, and from there he got thrown into a microphone stand.

"Like she wanted you to get thrown into something, so she arranged for it to happen?", I was like.

"No, it was just something that happened," he was like.

"I wouldn't be so sure," I was like. "Sometimes relationships can be passive-aggressive like that."

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