Monday, November 6, 2023

Remembered banter with a (gay) (Brazilian).

I forgot --

This summer when I was at a local brewery in a different part of town with that one (gay) (Brazilian) visiting student in (STEM), he was asking the bartender what this one beer that wasn't on the list was like, and the bartender was like, "Dark and strong."

"Like you," I cooed, as I put my arm around him and felt his arm muscle.

. . .

(He's Afro-Brazilian.)

. . .

(He reminded me of that joke in an email a bit ago, he seemed to have enjoyed it. Another time when he had a bunch of [Brazilians] and a few other people over for lunch, which I guess is something that [Brazilians] do to socialize, there was something someone brought that had a bunch of adjectives on the label like dark sweet etc., and I had also used that occasion to make some similar joke, which is what he actually referred to in the email.)

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