Saturday, October 7, 2023

First day back at work... the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) When I go to punch my timecard, there's a blank swath of 20 days.

2) When I walk up front for dinner shift, there's a catering assembly line like I'd never seen before, of the owners and their daughters and the old (white) (Jewish) couple who were community liaisons for the wife with a tired face way back when she first came here from Thailand to study at the local university, since some university club had ordered like 300 individually trayed meals of a great array of different items, and that's a ton of work and so they had to go call in everyone and their brother to handle it.

They took up so much space, I actually had to go fold silverware at a back table of the restaurant, there simply was not any room behind the counter where we usually do it.

3) With the one middle daughter where I tease her that she's a strange woman who steals meals and never pays, I pretended like they had caught her and put her to work to work off her debt, and at one point I told her while she was helping, "You know, with what they're making you do, it's probably just easier to go get a job and come in here and buy meals rather than stealing them," to which she put on a character persona and agreed with me.

4) The self-titled "American mom" of the wife owner with the tired face told me when she and her husband were leaving that I'm "a riot," because when they stuck around for a (free) meal after helping out with the catering order, whenever I'd refill their water glasses I'd pretend to be concerned about their meal and be like, "Is everything okay with your food? I saw you talking a lot with the owners."

5) I had a nagging feeling that I had forgotten something during shift set-up, and like an hour in, I finally realized what it was, I had forgotten to put a filled water pitcher up by the front host stand, so we had that there as a stopgap to fill up customers' glasses by up there, if they needed it.

6) Towards the end of shift, my one (Chinese-American) coworker and my one sound guy coworker were helping me with this one wordsearch puzzle involving two-word band names where they gave you initials of each word but not the actual names, and we were looking for something "T???? TWINS" and for a second we thought we saw the word "TIT," and so we started talking about how Titty Twins would be a good band name, like maybe 2 women who played pop punk.

Later, when we got down to the final final entries and were stuck, I came back from doing something and started going through the grid line by line, and had asked them if they had been doing the same.

"No,* they both were like.

"What the f*ck, people," I was like, "Do I have to go do everything for you? You have to get systematic at this point, if you want to finish this puzzle and win."

Then, I was like, "You two are the f*cking titty twins, since you're both such f*cking babies where I have to go and do everything for you."

(They were amused by that.)

7) At least three of my coworkers have never gotten COVID, that's at least two (Guatemalans) and my one (older) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phones.

She says I got it at the farmer's market, and when I asked her if she really thought that, she asked me if I wore a mask there, and I was like, not when students got back and to be honest it got pretty crowded then, and she was like, "See?".

She also said that people who are careful get it, and people who don't care, don't, though, oddly, she always wears a mask.

8) As I was walking home and crossing an intersection a few blocks from my house, a(n early 30s) (white) (short brown haired) jogger in a hot pink shirt who was out preternaturally late was rounding the corner there right when I got to it, and she called out and was like, "Sorry!", and I was like, "Don't worry, as long as you don't roll me for my takeout, it's all good," and at that she turned her head back and gave me.a laugh, as she continued to run up the sidewalk away from me.

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