Wednesday, September 13, 2023

My weekly COVID-time workout substitute, while I'm sick.

Instead of rapid alternations of cardio and crunches and squats and weights and whatnot for twelve minutes, instead I'm substituting a short meditation/visualization session.

As I do deep breathing, I try to center and stabilize my organism, and I imagine my immune system gaining strength. Then, I imagine like a super thin amethyst sheet going through different organs where COVID can linger from top to bottom, like my brain and then my nasal nerve and then my respiratory tract and my lungs and my kidneys and then my heart, all three times each, and then my entire body and vascular system, especially my super small veins, and that like seven times. And, I imagine it sifting through my body and straining out all of the virus, so none will remain and return or cause problems.

As for my weekly yoga and jogging sessions, instead I try to listen to a piece of classical music on the radio that's over a half hour, as I lie there and deep-breathe.

All of this I mark down on my little work-tracking schedule, of course.

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