Thursday, September 21, 2023

Learning other languages (2 of 2): Another coworker.

Like a month ago I was chit-chatting with my one (young) (tall) (skinny) (Latino-American) coworker, and I asked him if he could learn any language in the world, which one would it be.

And, he said French.

And, I asked him why.

And, he said because he already had some French in high school.

So, I then took like ten minutes, and I explained to him all the various ways that (French) people are shitty, and why it'd be so much cooler to learn Portuguese and truly be in with (Brazilian) people, who tend on the whole to be so much cooler and nicer. And, since he already knows Spanish, Portuguese would be super easy, maybe even easier than French.

And, he seemed intrigued, and he said that his (Mexican) dad has a (Brazilian) friend, and though he doesn't know him all that well, he seems really nice.

"See," I was like.

He also mentioned he's earned some bilingualism certificate, so he pretty much tests out of having to take any optional foreign language classes in college ever again, though he'd still maybe take one for fun.

"So take Portuguese," I was like.

. . .

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