Friday, September 22, 2023

A solved mystery.

After like a week of COVID, I was cleared per CDC guidelines to be around people if I wore a high quality mask, so I made a quick trip to the local bakery and hippie/yuppie co-op for groceries.

And, at the latter, I impulse-bought a cool greeting card with a rainbow underneath the phrase  MANIFESTING SOMETHING AWESOME FOR YOU, to give to my one former (assisted living) client with (disabilities) (it's totally her style and sentiment).

But, after I got home and unpacked my groceries, I couldn't find it anywhere! And I looked! And I even checked inside all of my reusable canvas grocery bags, and the upper cabinet where I keep them!

I also called the store and they looked around for me and they couldn't find it, either, so I ended up just assuming that I had left it out by the register and someone had reshelved it, end of story.

Then, like a week later, I open my freezer and check instructions on a frozen pizza I had bought, and there the card is, just sitting out in my refrigerator's freezer.

The plastic of the card's display envelope must have stuck to the bottom of the plastic wrap of the frozen pizza I had boughten, and so I must have furtively transferred it into my freezer, inadvertently.

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