Tuesday, September 19, 2023

An observation on character.

So, my one (Mormon) colleague suggested we do a summer wrap-up call to sum up what we'd been reading this summer, and we ended up chatting quite a bit about our work.

And, when I mentioned that getting COVID kind of sucked because I had a writing backlog that I wanted to whittle down, and it had come at almost the worst possible time, he was like, "But being a researcher means you always have new things to say."

Which is very true!

He was also mentioning to me that the only big music concert he's ever been to is this one kind of transgressive punk bank that's quasi-satanist and dresses up in elaborate costumes and has a lot of songs against organized religion. He went a few years ago, and it was good but a little weird, he said; he said it's almost more like a theater event than a rock concert, in his opinion.

(I didn't ask him if his wife or kids went.)

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