Thursday, August 3, 2023

Walking into an obvious joke.

Like last week at work, it was a bit slow at one point and I was chit-chatting in (English) with my one (Guatemalan) coworker who inspired the diablo joke.

(Sometimes I try to speak [English] with them, after several of them mentioned to me that they really want to learn it and they need more practice.)

So, he asked me how I was doing, and because of the weather, I was like, "I'm okay," and then I mentioned something about how it was too hot outside.

And, he was like, "Not for me."

And, as I looked at him quizzically, all of a sudden it dawned on me what he meant and just about as I was going to say something, he broke in with the punchline and was like, "Because I'm diablo."

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