Thursday, August 17, 2023

Restaurant earworm.

A few weeks ago at the one (Thai) restaurant that I work at now, I was by the back area and my one (tall) (thin) (sound guy) coworker went to get a Singha beer for a customer, and it was the last one, so he was like, "That's the last Singha."

After that, I noticed a tune running through my head, and it was like, "IT'S THE FINAL SING - HA."

So, a bit later, I told him that, and was like, "DOO DOO DOO DOOOO, DOO DOO DOO DOO DOOO," etc., "IT'S THE FINAL SING - HA."

And, he got a chuckle out of that.

The tune was stuck in my head all night.

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