Monday, August 14, 2023

Appreciation for my environmental neuroticism.

This year at the local farmer's market in the college town that I now live in, I've been buying a thing of kale weekly from this one (older) (round-faced) (Southeast Asian) woman who has a nice stand and runs a restaurant kitchen in the other part of town.

(Her kale is so good and crisp and peppery, I love it in salads.)

But, after a few weeks of this and buying some bundles of green onions from another stand, I had a lot of little rubber bands sitting out on my kitchen counter, and really no need for them.

So, I decided to bring all the rubber bands back to her, to see if she wanted them.

And, when I did that the next time I shopped and saw her, she perked up, and was like, "Please!", and I gave them back to her, and she immediately pulled out this little clean brown paperbag like for a lunchtime sandwich, and she opened it up to dump the rubber bands in, and I noticed that in there were a lot of rubber bands of all different types, like she wasn't dedicated to always using just one type of rubber band to bind her kale, but whatever she had on hand.

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