Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A pleased customer, with one of our special new dishes.

A few weeks ago during the local cooking competition, this one customer was very pleased -- she was older and big-boned and white with glasses and short hair and looked mildly bohemian in a manicured 'college town' kind of way, though she and her husband were visiting from a neighboring state, they said -- and she said to tell the chef that she loved the one special new dish that she had ordered and tried.

And, since another customer who had been in right before that was also very happy with the same dish, I went to go tell my one (Guatemalan) coworker who was cooking, the guy who I started the "diablo" joke with.

And, he said to tell them to go on Facebook and write there, "[His first name] was my chef and he is good."

So, I went to go tell the lady that -- the other guy had already left -- and she laughed and was just delighted, like visibly so.

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