Friday, June 2, 2023

A coworker's strong feelings.

The other day at the (Thai) restaurant, I asked my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker how she was doing, and she was like, "My heart is breaking," then, she was like, "That is not the right word," and she explained that she likes some K-Pop groups and the fans of this one group don't like this other group and vice-versa, and the guy from one group and the girl from the other group are starting to date and that it's in the press everywhere.

And, she pulled up some video on her phone, of them walking somewhere and holding hands.

"So I am very, very sad," she was like.

"You know," I was like, "I don't think it's true, this is probably just made up for publicity so that people talk about the groups."

And, my coworker looked at me and laughed, putting her hand up to her mouth, and she just looked at me, and laughed, like the thought had never occurred to her before.

But, I'm not sure that she believed me.

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