Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Phillip Glass music experiment.

So, like the end-of-the-week towards graduation -- the busiest time of year! -- I ended up cuing up the Phillip Glass channel on Spotify at the (Thai) restaurant so that it played on loop as an experiment, to see if anyone would notice.

They didn't for like two days solid, and it was just always playing.

My favorite part was how sometimes customer behavior would line up with the different songs.

Like, one (pale-skinned) (young) (brown) woman with ashen eyes was there with a date and slowly chewing, and she paused to look down...

And it was like a scene were someone thinks about their cancer diagnosis.

And, this one (young) (eyeglassed) (South Asian descent) (undergrad) girl was alone at a big table of six with all the menus out on it waiting for her friends, and she paused and looked over her shoulder out the window to see where everyone was, mournfully, and as she does this, there's Phillip Glass music playing.

Every once in a while, too, there was up-tempo happier Phillip Glass numbers, and one synched up with this big (Indian) family laughing and talking and passing around plates as they ate family style, and it was like a cutaway from a documentary about world population growth and an exponential extrapolation of numbers into the future, where the number of people on the planet just keeps going up and up and up.

I was telling people that we should have like a regular Tuesday night Glass Noodle Bonanza, where we play Phillip Glass music and everything with a woon sen noodle is ten percent off.

Like, if you can't do that in a college town with a music school, where can you do it?

It's a great gimmick.

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