Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Phillip Glass music.

The other week I was working on a writing project and the classical station on the radio had a Phillip Glass symphony on, and even though I was getting tired at that point, it was like this sudden burst of energy and I could concentrate again and time just flew by and I really amazed myself.

And, now I wonder how productive I could be, if I always played Phillip Glass music when I work.

I was saying this to my one (Thai) restaurant sound guy coworker, and he was saying that his dad is a big Phillip Glass fan, and when he first retired, he would turn up the sound system and put that on and just blast it, but then his mother put her foot down and made him stop.

"We should put this on when it's a lunch rush," I was like.

"Yeah," he was like, and he laughed, and then he was like, "Just lock in," and he stuck his hands out from each side of his face on each side of his eyes, just like they were horse blinders.

I was also saying that if there's a few stray customers in the restaurant and you throw it on, even if it's a nice day out, it's like one of them is getting a divorce and is trapped in his head.

I was also also saying that if it's the very end of the night and people won't leave and we want to drive them out, we should go and put Phillip Glass on over the speaker system.

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