Friday, April 28, 2023

A co-worker's habit, and perhaps talent.

My one (early middle-aged) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phones brings in little tupperwares of baked goods a lot of times to the restaurant, which she leaves out on the shelf behind the register or, rarely, out on top of the ice machine around the corner from the register (sometimes people set food out there and wolf it down in between doing stuff out in the restaurant or inside the kitchen).

Anyhow, like a few weeks ago she brought in these little buttery folded things with strawberry jam in the middle, that she said were made from premade croissant dough.

"Try one," she was like, and I did, and it was pretty good, especially how the buttery flavor melded with the rich but not sweet strawberry jam.

Like last week, too, she brought in these little pancake things with cream in the middle, that she said are Japanese or maybe Korean.

"They look difficult to make," I was like.

"No," she was like, and she just explained that you make pancakes in a little pan, and then put the cream in.

Usually, though, she brings in these little sponge cake things that look like fat brown nipples, that she explained to me later are the (Thai) version of (French) madeleines. 

"Are these popular in Thailand?", I was like.

"Yes," she was like, only she explained that they cook them with oil, not butter, and that they tend to make them spongier than the (French) do.

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