Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Two recent dream bits (2 of 2): Volleyball.

Last month I dreamnt --

I'm back on the wooden-floored gym of my high school, but I'm the age that I am now and it's just a gym I'm in, it's not associated with that particular memory, and I am playing with this team that I can't see, and I am given this incredibly heavy volleyball that's easily like fifteen or twenty pounds and a bit flattish besides, and I'm expected to serve it, only when I do, it goes up just a little bit and like just four feet over in a very flattened arc and just hits the floor, and someone is telling me that I'm doing it wrong and I need to use my shoulder muscles, but when I do that, the same thing happens, and I'm starting to wonder how using your muscles like that would even be possible, to serve a volleyball like that...

...and then, I wake up.

. . .

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