Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Thai music (1 of 2): Experiment.

The other week at the (Thai) restaurant where I work now, it was very, very slow after the lunch rush, so me and the (young) (white) (skinny) (soundguy) dude were playing around with the Spotify and decided to cue up Thailand's current Top 50.

"I bet it's going to be some hip-hop with nasty nasty lyrics in Thai," I was like, "And the owner is going to come in here and hear it and gasp and drop something on the floor and then start yelling at us."

And, he didn't have much to say about that.

A little bit later, then, the one lady owner with the tired face came in, and as she was doing something at the register, suddenly her face perked up and she looked a little confused, and then she tipped her head back a little bit to listen.

"This is Thai music," she was like.

And, we explained to her that it was slow and we were bored, and so we cued up Thai music on the Spotify.

"Ohhhhh," she was like, "I was confused, this is on my playlist!".

"Really?", I was like. "What's the song about?"

And, she said it was a woman in her lover's arms, but she's singing about how much she misses her last boyfriend.

"So, a break-up song," my one (young) (white) (skinny) (soundguy) dude coworker was like, observationally.

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