Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Memories of a colonscopy (2 of 2): Prep and day-of.

Prepping for the colonoscopy was interesting.

Like, I made a ton of lemon and lime jello, and I mixed the lemon and lime at one point just to see what the lemon-lime jello would taste like (it was shit, but I ate it anyways).

And, they gave you instructions about bone broth and whether it was permissible, only the broth I bought was more ambiguous than what they had said, and so I tried to drain it through a coffee filter set in a strainer over a bowl, only a bit would drip through and then the whole thing would stop up, and even just shifting the filter around wouldn't really make more broth go through, and so I really wasn't sure if that broth was okay for me to drink, although the instructions that they had given me made it seem like it was.

Also, the day-of, my cabbie to take me to the hospital was this (slim) and (wrinkled) (baseball-caped) (South Korean) (army vet) who had lived in the United States like forever.

When I asked him about K-pop, he was like, "Of course I'm proud," and he said in so many words what a mind-fuck it was, to see a stadium full of Americans sing along to songs in Korean, and all of these kids just excited to learn the language.

Afterwards, too, I was surprised at how tired I was from the colonoscopy... They said to rest up and I did, but late that afternoon I decided to walk up like a block-and-a-half and get an ice cream cone.

And, mid-way going up there, all of a sudden I was EXHAUSTED.

But, I made it, ate some, rested up, and then headed home again.

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