Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Memories of a colonscopy (1 of 2): Pre-prep.

The summer before I moved from the city, I had my first colonoscopy, since stuff runs in my family.

The health insurance was an absolute nightmare...  There was only ever really one provider to pre-clear stuff or do it, and then I had to go locate a new primary care doctor, too, who sent me to yet another place for labs, and the actual colonscopy location was way on the other side of the city, like an hour-and-forty-five-minute journey in one direction by public transportation.

After my first consultation appointment on a Saturday the week before the actual colonscopy, I strolled back down a main street in the sunshine, and then passed through downtown on the way home, only to decide to try to stay out at a bar patio that I liked for a bit, since even though things were crazier in the city on weekends, I couldn't stay in forever, so why not test the waters a bit...  It got a bit seedier at night even though it never used to be like that -- just weird people shuffling by -- but my one (straight) friend who was into BDSM texted me randomly and was back in town on his sabbatical and stopped through to hang and chat and catch up, and we hung out till like 10pm at night, at which point I went down the street of the patios and happy people eating outside, and hopped the subway home.

Only to find when I get home that the backwheel had been stolen off my bike, and I had to lift and schlep my bike all the way back home by walking.

And, I look online, and ten minutes after I left that yuppie bar strip in a historic good part of downtown on a Saturday, a bullet went through a restaurant window that I had passed by.

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