Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Restaurant joke.

The other week at the (Thai) restaurant the owners' oldest daughter was in there one weekday morning, and I was like, "If you skip school, don't come in here, your parents will see you!".

And, she said that some days she has an extremely early lunch break from school that starts at like eleven, and it's stupid.

Later, I told her mom (the owner with the tired face) about that, and she was like, "Oh, the two customers who are problems were in here last night" (i.e., her two youngest daughters, who I have a running joke about, where they're customers who eat but never pay a bill).

"Really?" I was like, "We should do something about that."

"Take their pictures and make a Facebook post," she was like.

"Or posters that we can hang in the windows of all the businesses downtown," I was like.

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