Saturday, February 11, 2023

Nighttime noises.

In my little back alley cottage, some mornings like 4am I think on Mondays I can hear the dumptrucks come.

Since anyone can come by and walk around my house, too, I always make sure the blinds are closed, and one night when I was up late reading this summer, I hear like four feet behind the head of my bed and past the wall and in the sidearm of the yard a sharp noise like someone suddenly falling on their knee on the ground just outside, and so I quickly turn off my bedside lamp and stay still, and I don't hear anything afterwards, though I'm very alert and am trying to hear anything.

Honestly, that house, if there was any sort of zombie apocalypse, I'd be fucked. Lots of windows that are chest-height evenly spaced all around, and just the one door.

The best I could hope for would be to lock myself in the central bathroom and hope they can't get through the door, before I could somehow open up the ceiling drywall and make my way to the roof.

Even then, though, what would you do? Make a distraction and get down to the ground on the other side, but then where would you go?

It's not like you'd have a lot of options.

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