Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Nice work perk.

I think at work that I can not only get a staff meal, but I can also bring back in a take-out container and re-use it to bring the food home in, rather than getting new containers every time and just throwing them out everyday...

I wasn't sure if I could do that -- would it somehow be unsanitary back in the kitchen? -- but I brought one in and had them plate rather than put in styrofoam the fried rice that I was getting that day, and then I went to go get my reused take-out container from the utility room where we keep our coats, so I could transfer the food into that, since there should be no sanitation problem with something like that.

"Oh, you can give that to the kitchen and they can do that for you," my one (young) (Thai) (newlywed) coworker was like, when she saw me and I told her what I was doing.

"[The names of the owners] won't mind?", I was like. "I don't want to do anything unsanitary."

"Oh no, they will love that," my coworker was like (implying that they'd like it, how I'd be saving them money?).

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