Monday, November 14, 2022

Another rotten watermelon.

So, it turns out that my last watermelon of the year was rotten.

There were like 4 left at one stand in the second-to-the-last week of the farmers's market and several of them had slightly compromised rinds, but I picked an apparently clean one, and kept it on my counter all week, only going to open it up like a day or two before the next farmers's market.

And, what do I discover, but there's a little rotten juice on the counter, and a large soft spot that'd developed on the underside.

I flipped it over and washed it and tried to cut it out, and there was a small section with some really good pink watermelon flesh, but overall it had that fizzy and slightly alcoholic smell of internal rotting and it was relatively pervasive within the entire watermelon, and so I had to go and chuck the whole thing.

I think it probably would have been all right if I had opened it and begun eating it and stuck it in the refrigerator right away, but I didn't, and so it went bad.

I guess I have to chalk that one up as an $8 donation to a local farmer, where I got nothing in return.

(Narratives like that are helpful coping mechanisms.)

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