Thursday, October 6, 2022

Touching farmers' market moment.

At the one stand where I buy tomatoes at the local farmers' market, this one (extremely short) and (rather brown) (indigenous Mexican-looking) woman was by the one end of the stand with her two young sons who were like four and five or so and were almost as tall as her, believe it or not, and one of whom was carrying a round loaf of artisanal bread and holding it back over his shoulder, so that you could compare the bread loaf to the size of his head, and his head was just a little bit bigger that that, and both of the kids were just super, super cute, they were that age, and they were kind of making a stir.

Anyhow, later after I had picked out my tomatoes, they were up at the register just before me, and the one (older) (white) lady with severely slouchy tits picked out two nice apples, and gave one to each of the boys, both of whom looked skeptical and one of whom then smiled.

And, after she left to do something and the (older) (white) guy was done getting change, he turned to the oldest kid and counted out the change into his hand in front of his mom, like he was the one paying.

And, the kid looked confused and then got a big smile.

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