Thursday, September 1, 2022

Inappropriate joke to a server.

Back when I was in the city that I used to live in so I could go to the one consulate and submit my dual citizenship application, I got together for dinner and drinks with my one art school colleague who wears (women's) clothes and my one language coordinator friend who always dates musicians.

After our bitch-fest, we started talking with the one (young) (white) (college age-ish) (female) server who was coming to our table, and it turns out that she's a dual citizen and her family is moving back there, so they can get more affordable college for her younger sister.

She also was getting into arts production jobs, and I actually gave her the number of a friend of mine who got into that, so she could talk to him about careers and barriers to advancement and whatnot.

And, as we were getting up to leave and starting to head out, she said that she liked production, but she wanted to make more of the art herself, and she didn't want to get trapped in production.

"That's great," my one language coordinator friend was like, "We need more women making films."

"Shhhh," I then told her, throwing my hand up like a barrier to her, "We don't know how she identifies!"

And, the server gave me a confused but dirty look.

. . .

You can't really say shit like that to young people, I don't think.

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