Friday, September 2, 2022

Children's book gift.

So, on my one recent trip to the one city that I used to live in, I also stopped by to see my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend and her family, especially so I could drop off this one very cool used book that I had gotten for like two bucks at the local library, about animals and how big they are, with illustrations conveying their size.

My one friend later texted me that her daughter had her read it to her 3 times that night, and that she did games with her, like laying the book out on the bed with the pages open to the illustration of a gigantic frog and asking her, "Can you imagine if this frog was here right now, it's so big and slimy?!", and her daughter would say that she didn't want a big slimy frog there in her bed etc.

She also said that her daughter pretend-scooped up the miniature lemur in her hands to give to her and thought the fish the size of her fingernail was ridiculous, but most of all she just laughed when she put her foot on the page and realized that her entire foot was the size of an elephant's toe.

I also had gotten this old state swimming medal with a (yellow) ribbon and included it along with the present as an addition for her dress-up box, and her mom said she wore it all day until bedtime.

Isn't that the cutest?!

Such a fun age.

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