Friday, August 26, 2022

Farmers market happenings.

The other week at the farmers market, I was commenting to a(n old) (scrawny) (sunburnt) (white) woman who was working the stand, how good their smaller size tomatoes are.

She said it was a new varietal, but "you don't see 'em too much since they're stingy with the seeds."

Watermelons are also coming in, and ahead of me were these two (middle-aged) (white) women who were saying that they had just moved here from Utah, and one of whom was holding a toddler while the other was pushing a babystroller with a watermelon in it.

"What happened here?", I was like. "Did you trade a baby for a watermelon?"

"Oh no!", the one was like, and she explained to me that the watermelon was heavier than the baby, so it made more sense to push the watermelon and hold the baby.

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