Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Public transportation scenes from the city that I used to live in...

 ...when I was there like a month-and-a-half ago for an appointment:

1) A(n agitated) (dark black) man is smacking the walls of the station when I go to swipe in to the subway in the middle of the afternoon on the day that I arrive, and the (slightly chubby) (late middle aged) (black) lady in the booth motions me to go the other way, and when he moves further into the station, she starts to talk to me and says that she always does this for travelers, and has for years.

2) With that train, there had been an 18 minute delay, and it was coming in another 12 minutes (usually that time of day it's like 8-12 minutes between trains).

3) The next day on a packed car around rush hour, less than a third of people are wearing masks.

. . .

That was two of four rides, and I simply can't imagine having to face those situations a lot. Mentally, I've already checked out of being able to live there.

Interestingly, on social media, lately, professionals in the city who I follow have been talking about this, and I even saw one using the word "unusable," which I had said a while ago.

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