Friday, July 8, 2022

A leaving neighbor (2 of 2): Missed opportunity.

That same neighbor was also saying that he'd tried living in apartments near campus, but "apartment life" wasn't for him, so he moved farther out to the house where he had lived now for several years, now.

And, he and his roommate pay each the same amount of rent that I do for my back cottage, and we agreed it was all good prices, and that prices for apartments on campus are just too much, nowadays.

And, something in his eye made it seem that he was curious about my house.

But, I didn't say anything to him at the time, until I saw him again, loading up stuff in the back of his truck.

"Hey, you know," I was like, "If you want to see the layout of my cottage, just put on a mask and come over, I'll give you a quick tour."

"Yeah, I've always wondered what it looks like inside," he was like. "But maybe later, I have to pack now, I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"Okay," I was like, and I told him that I'd be home for at least the next couple of hours, and he could just stop by whenever.

But, he didn't, and then, the next morning he was gone, and now he'll never see it.

It really makes you think about how chances and life can pass you by.

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