Saturday, July 30, 2022

Brewery gay side-eye.

A couple weeks ago I was at the local brewery and I walked in with my mask on to go order a beer and a glass of water and take it outside to the patio like I always do, and the place was absolutely crazily jammed for the trivia night that was going on, even more than I've ever seen it before, to the point where all of the tables were like completely full.

And, as I walked up to the bar, I noticed a (late middle-aged) (mohawk-bumped) (scrawny) (white) (gay) couple at the edge of this group, and one of them starts looking at me up my legs and then gives me the side-eye.

I have some healing scabs from scratched mosquito bites that were visible because I was wearing shorts, and I bet he thought that it was monkey pox.

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