Friday, June 24, 2022

A story of a child growing up.

The one (wheelchaired) guy from the (South) who my one former assisted living client with disabilities is now dating has a couple of kids from years ago, and he was saying that when his one son had first moved out, he had an upper floor apartment in the one (Southern) town they were living in that had an outside staircase to get up to it, and since he was young and had just moved out on his own, he was pretty much living on pizza, and not only that, but he would also pile up the old boxes outside his door and the squirrels there would ransack them to get at the crusts, which he would leave in the boxes since he doesn't eat them.

"One time me and his ma decided to take out the boxes," he was like, "And those damn squirrels were chittering chit-chit-chit-chit-chit and throwing shit at us from the trees, because we were getting at their food!"

And, at that he chuckled and shook his head.

"Those damn squirrels," he was like.

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