Saturday, March 19, 2022

Transpo issues.

When I moved to the college town that I now live in, I knew that it'd be more affordable, especially if I could set up my life without a car, but I did know that every once in a while I'd have to compensate for not having a car. Like, when I had to get a taxi back from the mall with all my shopping and my home goods that I had bought, since a new rug for my apartment was too much for me to get back by bus. So, it turns out that the state exam isn't administered strictly locally, but I'll have to take it at a community college in a smaller town like 30 minutes east of here. I checked, and there's like a $7 bus that you can take that picks up like super near me, but with Covid-era schedule cutbacks, it won't get me there in time for the morning exam. So, I'll be taking it the day before, and getting a cheap hotel near that downtown and the exam site... I could maybe hitch a ride with another student, but that's a lot of coordination, and people have car problems and family issues and whatnot that can make them late, and my attitude is, why risk it, especially since I'd have to chip in gas money anyways, and it'd be just like $70 to get there by bus and get a hotel, and it's like $50 just to reschedule the exam if you don't make it there in time... Much better to be there the night before, get set and organized, and be there fresh at 9am to take the exam, it's just one of those one-time expenses that I have to deal with from moving here. And I can always hitch a ride back and split gas money with somebody then, but on the way there, it seems better not to.

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