Sunday, March 13, 2022

Initial squirrel aggressiveness.

Back like almost two months ago like right before Christmas when I was waiting for some packages with books shipped in from abroad to come in, my one neighbor upfront had had some big envelope delivered and wasn't picking it up, and then a few days later when I went to go check for mail on the front porch, it was totally ripped open, which got me totally freaked out, since someone was maybe stealing packages or ripping them open to check in them for money that they could take. And, as I was noticing this, the one (skinny) (Latino) undergrad from upstairs who wears a leather jacket was coming out the front door, and I showed him that, and he said that it was probably the squirrels, and he said that once his roomate had had some food delivered and the food delivery man had left it out on the broad front porch rail at the front of the porch, and when his roommate didn't come down and pick it up right away, the squirrels got into it. Then, he went and looked around and there was this empty plastic chocolate tray that was all mangled at the front end and he was like, "See, they probably chewed it open and dragged this out," and as he said that, he leaned slightly forward and held it up and out with his right arm at a weird angle in a very emotional way, like someone would hold a tire iron to attack someone coming at them to hurt them. And, I thought he was on drugs, since I hadn't yet seen what the squirrels around here can do. A few weeks after that, too, one of my books shipped in from Germany had a cardboard section of its weird way that it was packed partially ripped out, and so for a while then I really thought that someone was getting into all of our packages. (I now think that that second thing that happened was just an accident of delivery.)

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