Sunday, December 5, 2021

A mystery of my aching balls.

So, like a month or so ago I pulled my back, and then like three or four days into that, my balls really started aching, too, especially the (larger) (right) one.

I first started thinking that maybe it was some testicular cancer or something, and then I thought that maybe it was a weird nerve thing involving my back, and then my one (white) (townie) coworker at the resthome said that maybe it was a UTI, since "guys get them too," and that got me thinking that maybe it really was a UTI from my taking a few baths a few nights in a row to soak my back in hot water and make it feel better, since maybe while I was laying there a long time in the hot water it came up my dick and did something all up in there.

Then, like the next day, I started doing my stretching exercises that I had been doing a lot of to help loosen up my back and make it feel it better, and when I knelt with my knees tight together and leaned forward to lay over the front of my knees and feel my back muscles and vertebra get all loose, I suddenly felt my balls ache, especially the (larger) (right) one, and then I suddenly realized that my yoga pose was making me lean on and crush my balls.

So, I kind of repositioned with my legs apart so my balls could sag down and I wouldn't be crushing them, and I kept doing that,, and after a day or so without that they began feeling normal again.

Problem solved!

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