Friday, May 14, 2021

Public transportation realization.

After 4 horrid rides in a row on public transportation this past week or so, I suddenly had a realization:

Between delays for construction and the increased number of severely mentally ill people on the trains - and that stuff is not necessarily separable, since if trains are delayed or way too staggered, there's more people crammed onto the next train that does come and so you're more likely to come across multiple severely mentally ill people on just one ride! - I might be spending up to 1.5 hours a day in close quarters with people who are severely mentally ill, who are engaging in unpredictable and sometimes aggressive behavior.

(Forty-five minutes to work, and forty-five minutes back, including waits on the platform.)

No wonder I can sometimes be getting f*cking on edge, from riding public transportation.

When I planned where I lived and my work commute, with safety and commute times and apartment prices and whatnot, I just didn't plan for this, and I just didn't sign up for this sh*t.

It's really whack.

At its worst, it's like you're in the lobby of a mental health clinic, tense and on the lookout for who's coming in and what they'll do.

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