Sunday, May 9, 2021

Four people on the subway the other day:

 1) A (younger) (middle-aged) (black) guy who is cleanly dressed but walks on and seems to be trying to strike up a conversation with someone he doesn't know, and then sits down and asks the lady across from him "What's English for 'hello'?", and then after being like, "I'm just kidding with you," "What do you call a fly with no wings?" (answer: "a walk").

2) A (very dark-skinned) (late middle-aged) (pot-bellied) (black) woman with her belly sticking out of her (bright turquoise) shirt that matches her jogging pants, who staggers onto the train drinking out of a huge plastic orange juice bottle, who goes to sit down near where the woman who the guy had been talking to was, and then when he starts talking to her is all loudly like, "No, why are you talking to me, I don't know you," and she sits down all crazy, and then when she gets up to leave a few stops later she leaves behind the half-empty orange juice bottle standing on the floor by where she had been sitting.

3) A (very dark-skinned) (middle-aged) (black) guy with dreads, just slumped down in his seat for the entire ride.

4) A (very tall) (very husky) (white) guy with a plaid shirt and a knit-stocking cap on, and this huge huge brown and gray beard, and these big crazy eyes that don't blink as he every once in a while turns his head around to look back and see what's behind him on the car.

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