Friday, May 21, 2021

On music school teachers' germphobia.

The other week on my day off, I was sitting out on my stoop and reading, and my one (Mexican-American) music school teacher neighbor was outside for some reason and we ended up chatting for a bit.

It turns out that he's skeptical of vaccination, and he said he's careful so much anyways, and besides that he's noticed that the other teachers at his school who really want the vaccine, they're the ones who have been the worst with germs anyways, for years.

"You see them go in the restroom, and even if they do the big business, you know, they walk out without washing their hands," he was like.

He then said that even if he goes in and does the little business, sometimes he won't even open up the door to go out, but instead he'll wait until someone comes in and then he'll catch the door with his foot before it closes, and then he'll reopen it that way and slip out.

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