Monday, April 12, 2021

Finding money (1 of 2): A woman.

The other week at my one assisted living client's with disabilities, her and her (lesbian) sister were chit-chatting, and her sister was saying that she's found at least a thousand bucks of money lying around, during her lifetime.

Like, once she was coming home from coven and she was worried about how she was going to pay her bills, and just as she was worrying about that, she looked down, and there was a hundred dollar bill.

And another time, she found like over four hundred bucks rolled up on the floor of a bus.

With that, she felt bad for whoever lost it, so she gave like a quarter of it to charity.

"Maybe it was from a drug dealer, and G-d wanted to turn that money to good, so the dealer lost it and you got it," I was like.

"I hope so," the (lesbian) sister was like. "Because I felt bad."

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