Saturday, March 13, 2021

Three sets of interactions with crazy-ish people on the subway last month during the middle of the afternoon:

1) Right when I get on the train to go into work and am on what had looked like a fairly safe and empty car from the outside, there's (two) (young) (black) guys without masks on just standing around almost like right in the middle of the car, just talking in the loudest voices about nothing really at all, like how this one girl "stinks" but someone still goes after her.

2) In the next car as I walk in and sit down, this (thin) (old) (black) lady turns around and looks at me, and I start to think that she doesn't like how I sat like 2-3 seats away from her, since that must be too close for her, and then all of a sudden I can see that she has crazy eyes, and she's like, "Why do you have a gun? What is a white boy like you doing, bringing a gun onto a train full of black people?"

3) In the next car I sit down and read a book, and then after a few stops this (older) (black) guy without a mask gets on and lumbers up the aisle, and as he passes me he whacks my foot and is like, "Sorry," only he leans in like 2-3 feet away from my face in order to say it, and then he sits down like 2 seats from me, still without a mask, and when I give him a quick glare, he's like, "What, I said sorry," and so I get up and go down to the other end of the car to go sit there, and then a number of stops later as the train pulls out I see him lumbering down the platform that we're leaving, only now he has this mask on, and it's like a ski visor with one flat clear plastic scuba mask end and with raised-up edges with foam on the end where it goes and sits on your skin.

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