Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Public transportation excretion.

I'm surprised at how much excretion I've run into on public transportation this past winter, especially the 1-2 months where the weather was at its worst.

Twice, I saw two different (homeless) ladies squat and piss at one end of the car in like the little partially walled-off room place that's by the door going into the next car, and once I saw a (homeless) guy go and hold open the doors between cars and stand there and piss out of the door onto the tracks as the train was just rattling down the tracks.

And once, when I was on a different line than I usually ride, this platform that I've been on before totally smelled like piss, though it never used to be like that before.

And, all that day on that last day when I was on the one platform that totally smelled like piss, honestly like one-half to two-thirds of the people on the cars or on the platforms looked (crazy) or (scary criminal), and the rest of the people were normal and looking out for other normal people so that they could go and be nearby them for safety.

I have honestly never seen public transportation in this city as bad as I've seen it this past winter.

True, occasionally there'd be someone off or scary, and on the platform near my house under this one escalator you'd occasionally see a pile of human shit there since it was kind of hidden away and I guess a (homeless) person or (homeless) people would sometimes go and shit there, but now this stuff just happens like everywhere, like ride after ride after ride.

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