Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Weird Hanukkah synchronicity.

Since I'm trying to live my best life now, I'm trying to read the whole Bible in translation in this nice academic study edition that I have, and rather than start at the beginning, I decided to start with the Prophets, since that seemed more interesting, at first.

And, the Minor Prophets were the best to start with, since a bunch of them are super short and it gives you a huge feeling of accomplishment to cross a lot of books off of the table of contents list like right away like right at first like right when you right begin.

Anyhow, I did that, then Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which are super long books and which took forever, and then since the order of the books in my study edition roughly follows the orders found in various pockets of Christianity, I started into Daniel, and it ended up that I got to the latter part of the book during Hanukkah, which meant that I was reading stuff about Antiochus IV who features in the Hanukkah story during a resonant part of the Jewish liturgical year.

How cool is that?

And it was a total coincidence!

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