Saturday, November 14, 2020

Carbon footprint.

So, I finally got around to calculating my yearly carbon footprint.

It's like 7 tons, though it's 10 tons if you add in the flight for my worktrip to Germany last year.

I calculated, too, that like 400 mature trees would compensate for that every year.

Thankfully, last year I got like 150 trees planted for my birthday.

I think I'm going to keep paying attention to this one reputable reforestation program that you can donate to, and the next time they have a "twofer" matching donations campaign, I'll order 125 trees and they'll match 125 trees, so my 400 trees will be out there growing and one day they'll take up the carbon that I emit every year.

Once I do that, too, who knows, maybe I'll throw some donation money to more trees every once in a while, too, so they're out there growing and I'm giving back to carbon capture above and beyond what's needed for just myself.

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