Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Another Mundane Dream of Something Wrong: Cauliflower.

Last month I dreamnt -

I'm stirring a big pot of pieces of cauliflower that are starting to boil in water mixed with soy sauce, and I turn one big piece over and I see underneath the soy sauce watermark that that chunk is actually half rotten right through, not just a few spots here or there or anything, and I stare and I wonder how I couldn't have noticed it and ended up putting it in the pot, since the soysauce watermark wasn't on it originally to disguise it back when I was chopping up the cauliflower.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

(The week of the dream, I was making a big pot of vegetable curry, and 1 of the 3 heads of cauliflower that I was using had a section of it that was rotten, the first time I'd ever seen that on a cauliflower.)

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