Friday, June 26, 2020

Inappropriate joke.

The other week at the resthome, the one retired advertising executive said he had a joke for me, but it wasn't a good time for him to tell it when he said that, so I excused myself, but then I asked him about it later.

As it turns out, the joke was very extended, and it was about a beloved Indian chief named "Shortcake" who passes away and then there's this argument about who buries him, until this woman steps forward and is really insistent and is like, "Squaw bury shortcake."

So, I kind of grimaced, and I was like, "I'm not so sure you can tell that joke anymore, it's not too good about Native Americans."

"Probably not," he was like, agreeably.

Then he was like, "That joke was old when I was young."

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