Sunday, June 28, 2020

Chalk drawings from the landlord's children upstairs.

The other week, I was walking my bicycle outside from my back porch to go bicycle to the subway station to go to work, and I noticed that my landlord's children had been drawing with chalk on the sidewalk outside our house (they live upstairs).

By the stairs going up to the sidewalk, there was all of these rows of tight stripes, like I'd guess maybe 14-17 stripes in all, almost like a rainbow in shading, but not a rainbow in shape, and it was crude, but somehow really interesting to look at it, because the combination of colors was not quite organized as you'd expect, and sometimes the same color would be repeated for like 2 or 3 stripes in a row.

The next day, I went to go sit on my stoop, and I noticed different stick figures, and that someone had circled the "O" on the "WELCOME" mat, too.

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