Thursday, May 7, 2020

Weird coronavirus energy.

The other week during the early afternoon when I was going into work at my one assisted living client's with disabilities, the subway ride had strange people walking back and forth between cars, to the point where I could see multiple other people in the car looking at them after they'd passed.

Then, I get off at the station by my client's and go to go to my client's, and there's a bunch of police officers outside the small grocery store where I sometimes stop in to pick up some fruit for myself on my way to my client's.

And, I see a (slim) (middle-aged) (white) grocery worker who I recognize stop talking with the policemen and go to go back into the store, so I say hello to him and ask him what happened.

And, he said that some guy was shoplifting and they went to go and stop him and he started fighting, so they called the cops.

"What weird energy," I was like. "Be careful, it's everywhere now, I saw it on the subway today, there was all of these people walking back and forth between cars."

"Yeah," he was like, and then he points to this dingy black sock sitting out on the pavement outside the small self-opening grocery store doors.  "That's his sock right there."

Then, he pursed his lips and he started shaking his head in agreement and was like, "It is weird energy..."

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